Steve Estes has been senior pastor at Brick Lane Community Church in Elverson, Pennsylvania, for over thirty-five years.

“If you ever really grasp what a church is all about, what Jesus had in mind when he founded it, what his plan for whatever church you’re in and you in it is, you would not be able to stretch your arms far enough for the greatness of it.”

Featured Sermons:


Nothing will ever stop Jesus Christ’s church and you as a part of it.  The very word “church” disallows the idea of a lone Christian.  The New Testament church stands on the shoulders of the Old Testament church, and draws and principles from it.  Christ himself, not humans - established his church.

Jesus alone decides how his church will function, and in building his church, Jesus uses human leaders.

Good Things Ahead for Zion

In this 3-part series of sermons covering passages from the Book of Isaiah, Pastor Steve Estes discusses how God is telling his people of the good that is in the future, even though they may be going through so many difficult times right now.

“It will help you to have a Bible with you. I will be reading from the English Standard Version, the ESV, but of course, you may have another version available.”

Race and Racism

A 3-part series of sermons to help Christians understand what they should be doing and thinking about all of the racial discussions in today’s world.

“And so, if we were to ask ourselves, where in the Bible do we go to see what God says about race and how Christians are to think about it, we have to go to somewhere that is a lot further back than we think to what I’ll call humble beginnings.